NuWants coach support

A spiritual Path Begins...Remember... love is what you are.
This is a spiritual rather than a religious website. We will always respect the views of all religious groups.
NuWants coach support
This is a spiritual rather than a religious website. We will always respect the views of all religious groups.
When consciousness expresses as humanity, be aware; that consciousness is you. There one finds the awareness of self. This is the oneness of creation and love.
Love is:
We are here today because our ancestors learned
that survival depended on every person doing the right
thing and having each other's back.
“Our actions change our reality. Our intentions matter. Most people believe
that their actions have consequences but don’t think through the implications of
that belief.
All religions are accepted here; even the atheist is loved unconditionally. It is my intention for all of us to be able to share our thoughts and opinions and grow into loving each other in spite of our differences.